Housing First, But What Comes Second? A Qualitative Study Of Resident, Staff And Management Perspectives On Single-Site Housing First Program Enhancement


Single-site Housing First (HF) is associated with reduced publicly fundedservice utilization and costs and alcohol-related harm for chronicallyhomeless individuals with severe alcohol problems. Many residents,however, continue to experience alcohol-related problems after their moveinto single-site HF. Thus, it is necessary to explore areas for programenhancement after individuals move into single-site HF. To this end, wecollected qualitative data via 30 hours of naturalistic observation, stafffocus groups (n=3), and one-on-one interviews with single-site HFresidents (n=44), program staff (n=7), and agency management (n=4). Qualitative analyses were used to construct a conceptual or thematicdescription of residents’, staff’s, and management’s suggestions forprogram enhancement, which comprised 3 areas: (a) enhancing trainingand support for staff, (b) increasing residents’ access to meaningful activities, and (c) exploring alternate pathways to recovery. Development ofprogramming addressing these areas may help residents continue to reducealcohol-related harm and improve health and quality of life after their moveinto single-site HF.




journal article


Clifasefi, S.L., Collins, S.E., Torres, N.I., Grazioli, V.S. and Mackelprang, J.L. (2016), HOUSING FIRST, BUT WHAT COMES SECOND? A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF RESIDENT, STAFF AND MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES ON SINGLE-SITE HOUSING FIRST PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT. Journal of Community Psychology, 44 (7), 845-855. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.21812