A Place to Be: Alternatives to Unsanctioned Homeless Encampments.


The breadth and depth of this report, while necessary for a meaningful analysis of the alternatives to Oakland’s unsanctioned encampment procedure, likely poses a challenge for those who are interested in a brief overview of the issue. The report is intentionally structured in such a way that readers are able to read just one section and still gain an understanding of the issue. For those who need a high-level overview, the Executive Summary (found on pages 6-11) provides a broad summary of the following: • Problem definition • Key findings from analysis of the status quo • Key findings from Alternative #1 research (city-sanctioned encampments) • Key findings from Alternative #2 research (Housing First innovations) • Recommendations • Next Steps.






Jones, J.P. et al. (May 2015) A Place to Be: Alternatives to Unsanctioned Homeless Encampments. Prepared for the City of Oakland, Published by University of California, Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy. https://gspp.berkeley.edu/assets/uploads/page/15-13160_-_Goldman_Student_Report_- _Final_Draft_-_May_11_2015_reduced_size.pdf.pdf