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  • Tags: policy

Planners can play a significant role in reducing homelessness by determining local housing needs through their comprehensive plans, removing regulatory and legal barriers to the development of affordable and supportive housing, and fostering…

Planners can play a significant role in reducing homelessness by determining local housing needs through their comprehensive plans, removing regulatory and legal barriers to the development of affordable and supportive housing, and fostering…

This resource describes tiny homes in the U.S. and stewardship as a housing tenure or property relation that affords unhoused people access to land and space through co-management for individual and mutual benefit. The stewardship and co-management…

Collection of essays/articles about homelessness; range of topics icnluding rpeventing homelessnesss, serving people experiencing homelessness, reforms and policy

The breadth and depth of this report, while necessary for a meaningful analysis of the alternatives to Oakland’s unsanctioned encampment procedure, likely poses a challenge for those who are interested in a brief overview of the issue. The report is…