Housing First


All resources about housing first. Overlaps with the housing first tag, however, the resources in the collection are focused more directly on housing first than those in the tag.

Collection Items

This new version of THIS is Housing First has been broken into two sections. Part 1 provides an overview of the research, principles, and philosophy underpinning the HF4Y model. It concludes with a series of case examples of successful local…

Fact sheet, provides easily digestible evidence of the benefits of housing first over treatment first or abstinence programs, across a variety of indicators

The ‘Pathways to Housing’ Program (PHP) is an internationally recognized reference point for solutions to chronic homelessness espousing principles of ‘Housing First’. In Australian capital cities, the introduction of Housing First has mostly taken…

This resource compares homeless service structures by looking at case-studies in NYC, Houston, Seattle and LA, examining their framework and approach. It also discusses race equity structures and lived experience governance.

Visualization and links to external studies that provide evidence for and against housing first.
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