Urban American Indians and Alaska Natives Experiencing Homelessness in California: Strategies for Addressing Housing Insecurities and Substance Use Disorder


The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) funded the USC Keck School of Medicine, a Tribal Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Project partner, to lead a unique opportunity to conduct a statewide needs assessment among urban and rural American Indian and Alaska Native communities (AIAN) experiencing homelessness in California. This project stemmed from a recommendation highlighted in the statewide needs assessment report titled, “Addressing the Opioid Crisis in American Indian & Alaska Native Communities in California: A Statewide Needs Assessment” which can be found here: https://ipr.usc.edu/index.php/aian-needsassessment/. This report includes information from community interviews and focus groups among adult key informants (n=33), Native youth (n=84) and Native adults (n=163). The goal of this project was to provide an assessment among AIANs experiencing homelessness with the overall goal of reducing overdose-related deaths by identifying gaps in prevention, treatment, and recovery services.






Soto, C., Begay, C., Ramos, G., Telles, V., Astorga, A., D'Isabella, J., Nguyen, V., Rippberger, E., Antony, V., & Moerner, L. (2020). Urban American Indians and Alaska Natives Experiencing Homelessness in California: Strategies for Addressing Housing Insecurities and Substance Use Disorder. California Dept of Health Care Services & University of Southern California. https://ipr.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/NAH-Report-_-Tribal-MAT.pdf