Rapid Rehousing Overview

Rapid re-housing is a program that ends homelessness by helping households re-enter permanent housing as quickly as possible after they enter homelessness.

What is Rapid Rehousing?

Rapid rehousing (RRH) is a homelessness prevention program designed to help individuals and families exit homelessness and return to permanent housing as quickly as possible. RRH has three components: housing identification, financial assistance, and case management. RRH rent assistance and case management are short-term: they are intended to quickly stabilize the household and help address barriers to maintaining housing.

Because RRH provides limited assistance, it is a good fit for households that need a little help to get back into housing, but do not need long-term supportive services. Rapid rehousing is generally implemented with a housing first philosophy, meaning that households do not have to meet preconditions like sobriety or being employed in order to enter the RRH program. 

Rapid Rehousing Overview