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This document provides performance benchmarks for RRH programs, as well as a more detailed understanding of what RRH programs should look like. The performance benchmarks in the document are based current promising practices identified by by the…

The screening process can serve several purposes. The process allows for initial engagement to be made with homeless individuals in the community. Once contact has been made, homeless service providers can begin to determine if individuals meet…

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There is strong evidence that the Pathways Housing First model can move homeless people with sustained experiences of living rough, with problematic drug and alcohol use, and with severe mental illness straight into ordinary housing, and successfully…

Long narrative explaining how the Winnipeg site of the At Home/Chez Soi research trial was operationalized by/with/for urban Indigenous Canadians experiencing homelessness.

The importance of program implementation in achieving desired outcomes is well- documented, but there remains a need for concrete guidance on how to achieve fidelity to evidence- based models within dynamic local contexts. Housing First (HF), an…

Part 2 of this guide takes the form of an operations manual, providing practical guidance for how to implement HF4Y. It touches upon a number of areas, including case management, supervision, community planning, and designing youth-focused service…

This new version of THIS is Housing First has been broken into two sections. Part 1 provides an overview of the research, principles, and philosophy underpinning the HF4Y model. It concludes with a series of case examples of successful local…

Housing First has emerged as an effective and humane approach to addressing homelessness. In spite of the strength of the evidence, questions remain regarding the applicability of Housing First to sub-populations, including youth. The proposed…

This toolkit is based on the experience of the Canadian At Home/Chez Soi project that used the Pathways to Housing model of Housing First for homeless people with mental illness. While the toolkit has a mental health focus because it is based on the…

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NAEH Factsheet on housing first.

NLIHC factsheet about housing first, includes a brief definition and answers to common questions.

Fact sheet, provides easily digestible evidence of the benefits of housing first over treatment first or abstinence programs, across a variety of indicators.

Objectives: A standard approach to treating homeless persons with a disability is called Treatment First, requiring clients be “housing ready”—that is, in psychiatric treatment and substance-free—before and while receiving permanent housing. A more…

Single-site Housing First (HF) is associated with reduced publicly funded service utilization and costs and alcohol-related harm for chronically homeless individuals with severe alcohol problems. Many residents,however, continue to experience…

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Objectives. We examined the longitudinal effects of a Housing First program for homeless, mentally ill individuals’ on those individuals’ consumer choice, housing stability, substance use, treatment utilization, and psychiatric symptoms. Methods. Two…

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Checklist of characteristics a program should have to be considered "housing first", intended as a tool to be used by those administering programs.

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Explains the key characteristics of housing first, as applied to PSH models.

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Website for the Pathways to Housing non-profit, who originally developed the Housing First model.

The ‘Pathways to Housing’ Program (PHP) is an internationally recognized reference point for solutions to chronic homelessness espousing principles of ‘Housing First’. In Australian capital cities, the introduction of Housing First has mostly taken…

The Toronto Housing First (At Home/Chez Soi) Ethno-Racial Intensive Case Management (HF ER ICM) project[1] delivers Housing First ensuring culturally based options for ethno-racial groups experiencing homelessness. We relied on the lessons learned…