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Many Hispanic households in the United States face poor housing conditions, high rent burdens, overcrowding, and—in some communities—high rates of homelessness. At the same time, awareness is growing that Hispanics are often underrepresented in…

The Ambiguities, Limits and Risks of Housing First from a European Perspective.png
There is strong evidence that the Pathways Housing First model can move homeless people with sustained experiences of living rough, with problematic drug and alcohol use, and with severe mental illness straight into ordinary housing, and successfully…

The importance of program implementation in achieving desired outcomes is well- documented, but there remains a need for concrete guidance on how to achieve fidelity to evidence- based models within dynamic local contexts. Housing First (HF), an…

Housing First has emerged as an effective and humane approach to addressing homelessness. In spite of the strength of the evidence, questions remain regarding the applicability of Housing First to sub-populations, including youth. The proposed…

Objectives: A standard approach to treating homeless persons with a disability is called Treatment First, requiring clients be “housing ready”—that is, in psychiatric treatment and substance-free—before and while receiving permanent housing. A more…

Single-site Housing First (HF) is associated with reduced publicly funded service utilization and costs and alcohol-related harm for chronically homeless individuals with severe alcohol problems. Many residents,however, continue to experience…

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Objectives. We examined the longitudinal effects of a Housing First program for homeless, mentally ill individuals’ on those individuals’ consumer choice, housing stability, substance use, treatment utilization, and psychiatric symptoms. Methods. Two…

This article discusses the unique but often concurrent issues of homelessness and food insecurity in America and considers how agricultural tiny home communities could be developed to address these problems. Examples of existing tiny home communities…

Across the United States, tiny house villages are increasingly appearing as a method of addressing homelessness. There has been no formal or sustained effort to document tiny house villages for the homeless, however. This research involves the…

Homelessness is increasingly being addressed with tiny house villages. These developments face barriers, the greatest of which is NIMBYism (Not-in-my-backyard sentiment) (Evans, 2021). Through a stakeholder survey, this research examines community…

This study analyzes the COVID-19 homelessness response in King County, Washington, in which people were moved out of high-density emergency shelters into hotel rooms. This intervention was part of a regional effort to de-intensify the shelter system…

People of color or mixed race account for more than half of all people experiencing homelessness, despite comprising less than a quarter of the total population in the United States. What are the primary drivers of this severe racial concentration of…

This report describes a needs assessment of Latinx persons at-risk for or who are actively homeless in Los Angeles County. We conducted interviews with stakeholders (n = 24) who work in homeless services, research, and policy. Themes from these…

Over fifty years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, how have mechanisms of residential segregation changed? Using a case study of a Los Angeles suburb’s reaction to Black movement through the federal Housing Choice Voucher program, I argue…

The ‘Pathways to Housing’ Program (PHP) is an internationally recognized reference point for solutions to chronic homelessness espousing principles of ‘Housing First’. In Australian capital cities, the introduction of Housing First has mostly taken…

Single-site, permanent supportive housing (PSH) buildings with a Housing First approach have become an increasingly common solution to homelessness in many North American cities. Because people who have experienced long-term homelessness are also…

Background: The literature on interventions addressing the intersection of homelessness, mental illness and race is scant. The At Home/Chez Soi research demonstration project is a pragmatic field trial investigating a Housing First intervention for…

Purpose:Interventions for tobacco dependence are most effective when combined with smoke-free policies, yet such policies are rare in permanent supportive housing (PSH) for formerly homeless adults. We aimed to provide in-depth analysis of attitudes…

Despite the overrepresentation of People of Color among people experiencing homelessness and ongoing housing discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities, research has paid scant attention to the intersections of race and homelessness,…

Objectives:Permanent supportive housing provides safe, stable housing for people with mental and substance use disorders who are homeless or disabled. This article describes permanent supportive housing and reviews research.
Methods:Authors reviewed…