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  • Tags: advocacy

Overview of the evidence in support of rapid rehousing.

This report serves to illustrate the state of research on rapid rehousing (in 2015), and includes a nice overview of what rapid re-housing is (with graphics), what things we know, and what remains to be researched.

National Alliance to End Homelessness.png
NAEH Factsheet on housing first.

NLIHC factsheet about housing first, includes a brief definition and answers to common questions.

Fact sheet, provides easily digestible evidence of the benefits of housing first over treatment first or abstinence programs, across a variety of indicators.

FAQ answering whether supportive housing is cost effective (more expensive than a traditional shelter system).

The annual Point-in-Time count of homelessness is an event that invites coverage from local outlets. It is an opportunity to report on the state of homelessness in a community and efforts to address it. This guidance is intended to equip journalists…

Call to action around fighting for housing first, with accompanying myth-busting/reminders that serve as a more advanced and nuanced description of what Housing First is.

Visualization and links to external studies that provide evidence for and against housing first.

Objectives:Permanent supportive housing provides safe, stable housing for people with mental and substance use disorders who are homeless or disabled. This article describes permanent supportive housing and reviews research.
Methods:Authors reviewed…