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Single-site Housing First (HF) is associated with reduced publicly fundedservice utilization and costs and alcohol-related harm for chronicallyhomeless individuals with severe alcohol problems. Many residents,however, continue to experience…

Objectives: A standard approach to treating homeless persons with a disability is called Treatment First, requiring clients be “housing ready”—that is, in psychiatric treatment and substance-free—before and while receiving permanent housing. A more…

Fact sheet, provides easily digestible evidence of the benefits of housing first over treatment first or abstinence programs, across a variety of indicators

This resource compares homeless service structures by looking at case-studies in NYC, Houston, Seattle and LA, examining their framework and approach. It also discusses race equity structures and lived experience governance.

This study used a mixed methods approach to understand the effects and outcomes on individuals who were moved to non-congregate hotel settings, and the research team worked closely with provider agencies to complete the study. The findings establish…

The breadth and depth of this report, while necessary for a meaningful analysis of the alternatives to Oakland’s unsanctioned encampment procedure, likely poses a challenge for those who are interested in a brief overview of the issue. The report is…

This study takes the first systematic look at Continuums of Care for homeless people as they have developed in communities across the United States. It examines how development has been affected by the availability of federal funding for homeless…

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NLIHC factsheet about housing first, includes a brief definition and answers to common questions

National Alliance to End Homelessness.png
NAEH Factsheet on housing first

This toolkit is based on the experience of the Canadian At Home/Chez Soi project that used the Pathways to Housing model of Housing First for homeless people with mental illness. While the toolkit has a mental health focus because it is based on the…