Browse Items (236 total)

Homeless Hub definition of housing first.

With the appropriate support and treatment, people experiencing homelessness and psychosis can recover to live full and productive lives. This fact sheet provides an overview of psychosis and its treatment options, tips for outreach and engagement,…

This guide provides information on the core components of low-barrier shelters. It provides examples of key policies, procedures to support those policies, and ideas for navigating common challenges in implementation.

Sections include:
What is a…

Training course on trauma-informed outreach and engagement.

This learning brief synthesizes evidence regarding inflow from incarceration into homelessness and outlines the unique housing challenges people experience after incarceration. It also highlights promising practices and findings from evaluations of…

This study used a mixed methods approach to understand the effects and outcomes on individuals who were moved to non-congregate hotel settings, and the research team worked closely with provider agencies to complete the study. The findings establish…

This study analyzes the COVID-19 homelessness response in King County, Washington, in which people were moved out of high-density emergency shelters into hotel rooms. This intervention was part of a regional effort to de-intensify the shelter system…

This webinar provided guidance and fostered innovation in best practices and strategies to create street outreach that ends homelessness. It covered topics including street outreach practices, pathways from homelessness to housing, considerations for…

This systematic review analyzed the best available research in the United States on permanent supportive housing programs for homeless individuals with mental illness and the effect of these programs on housing status and mental health. It updates…

Collection of essays/articles about homelessness; range of topics including preventing homelessness, serving people experiencing homelessness, reforms and policy.

"Introduction: Intensive Case Management (ICM) is a community‐based package of care aiming to provide long‐term care for severely mentally ill people who do not require immediate admission. Intensive Case Management evolved from two original…

Over 2.5 million people experience homelessness yearly in the United States. Black persons are overrepresented by three-fold among those experiencing homelessness but little research has examined the relationship between race and homelessness. We…

This document offers specific tips on how to incorporate racial equity into a rehousing strategy. Not covid-19 exclusive.

The Housing First Model (HFM) is an approach to serving formerly homeless individuals with dually diagnosed mental health and substance use disorders regardless of their choice to use substances or engage in other risky behaviors. The model has been…

Objectives:Permanent supportive housing provides safe, stable housing for people with mental and substance use disorders who are homeless or disabled. This article describes permanent supportive housing and reviews research.
Methods:Authors reviewed…

Permanent supportive housing for families experiencing homelessness—typically, subsidized housing that is not time limited and provides access to a range of support services—has substantially increased over the past 10 years, despite an absence of…

This resource compares homeless service structures by looking at case-studies in NYC, Houston, Seattle and LA, examining their framework and approach. It also discusses race equity structures and lived experience governance.

This report identifies key opportunities to realize priorities as identified by key local stakeholder engagement and best practices research across Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties through new ways of organizing and expanding the work of…

Document intended for healthcare providers and supportive housing providers, offers suggestions for how they can "work together and on their own to identify and address disparities and advance health equity"

In creating and sharing the CSH Supportive Housing Integrated Models Toolkit CSH strives to:

Build the capacity of the affordable housing industry to create and operate high-quality, effective, and sustainable supportive housing units in a…