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  • Tags: funding

Explanation of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Programs

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Explanation of the emergency solutions grants (ESG) program, which is one of the federal funding sources for addressing homelessness.

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Brief discussing the importance of soliciting grant proposals from a variety or organizations who are trusted by and serve BIPOC communtiies. Includes suggestions for how to expland the providers one contracts with

Chart that can help communities scan for additional rapid re-housing resources.

In creating and sharing the CSH Supportive Housing Integrated Models Toolkit CSH strives to:

Build the capacity of the affordable housing industry to create and operate high-quality, effective, and sustainable supportive housing units in a…

Report that covers a lot of ground. Large repository of evidence in favor of supportive housing, includes specific suggestions for how to scale up supportive housing, includes table of federal funding for supportive housing services.

Intended to help homeless services providers consider which resources they should fund with which grants/sources of money.

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Somewhat technical but still useful explanation of what the emergency grant solutions program is