Browse Items (101 total)

This new version of THIS is Housing First has been broken into two sections. Part 1 provides an overview of the research, principles, and philosophy underpinning the HF4Y model. It concludes with a series of case examples of successful local…

Fact sheet, provides easily digestible evidence of the benefits of housing first over treatment first or abstinence programs, across a variety of indicators

The ‘Pathways to Housing’ Program (PHP) is an internationally recognized reference point for solutions to chronic homelessness espousing principles of ‘Housing First’. In Australian capital cities, the introduction of Housing First has mostly taken…

This resource compares homeless service structures by looking at case-studies in NYC, Houston, Seattle and LA, examining their framework and approach. It also discusses race equity structures and lived experience governance.

Visualization and links to external studies that provide evidence for and against housing first.

This session discussed how Black, Indigenous, Latine, and other people of color experience homelessness at disproportionate rates and looked to understand and examine the root causes of these inequities to implement more equitable solutions in the…

Rapid re-housing has become a large component of the response to homelessness in communities across the country. To date, no studies have found anything conclusive on variations in outcomes resulting from differences in program implementation or…

Determining the right time to end assistance and close a case is one of the hardest decisions a service provider must make. For both consumers and providers, it can be a challenging time. On April 27th at Ben Noll from Friendship Place presented on…

"This document provides performance benchmarks for RRH programs, as well as a more detailed understanding of what RRH programs should look like. The performance benchmarks in the document are based current promising practices identified by by the…

Rapid re-housing roundtable discussion focused on racial equity in rapid re-housing and root causes of racial inequity in homelessness